The executor of a will deals with the practicalities after
someone’s death and gives effect to their wishes.
Becoming an Executor
They say that with great power comes great responsibility. And this should ring true for every executor of a will.
There’s no escaping the obligations that come with the appointment. The executor of a will deals with the practicalities after someone’s death and gives effect to their wishes. So they will value the estate, gather together the deceased person’s assets, pay debts and distribute assets to beneficiaries.
Things are often less than straightforward, particularly where there are conflicting claims to a part of the estate. The executor of a will needs to manage these, and we’ll often be called on to help. In cases where a will doesn’t provide for certain family members, for example, very specific guidance on succession law is needed.
So who is the executor of a will? It’s up to the person making the will to decide who they want and trust to take care of their affairs. It needn’t be just one person; there can be up to four executors. They’re often friends or family members, or professionals like lawyers or accountants. At Gillhams our solicitors are regularly asked to be named as the executor of a will; clients know that our experience in post-death matters will add real value.
But for a first-time executor of a will, the responsibility can be daunting. They will have to deal with the practicalities of the funeral as well as legal and financial matters including tax calculations and the protection of assets; things that may be unfamiliar to them.
We are here to help. If you are looking to appointment the executor of a will, or if you need some advice on your role as executor, contact us for help.
For legal advice on Post Death and related matters, complete the form below, email us at or call us on +44(0)20 8965 4266.
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