When you’re involved in sorting out the formalities after someone’s death, we make things easier to handle.
Our probate solicitors specialise in giving clear advice and support on how probate works and the legal issues that arise on bereavement. It’s more than just the effects of a will. It’s inheritance tax, estate administration, disputes. There’s a lot to consider.
Based in London, we deal with all types of estates throughout the UK. Some have relatively modest assets. Others are higher value with complex foreign elements.
Our probate solicitors approach every type of case in the same way. That’s with an understanding of just how important it is for clients to feel confident in their lawyer, to know that they’re in safe hands. And, ultimately, to be satisfied that everything has been taken care of with sensitivity and certainty.
Home Visits
We want to make things easy for you. So if you’re not able to come to us, ask us to visit you at home.
For legal advice on Post Death and related matters, complete the form below, email us at solicitors@gillhams.com or call us on +44(0)20 8965 4266.
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